Forhad Hossain

Md Forhad Hossain
(BA-Hons, MBA, LL.B, LL.M)
Managing Director

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From general laborers to profoundly talented experts, organizations here may utilize outsiders to satisfy the positions required yet are exposed to specific prerequisites with agreement to Malaysia's migration law.

  • Confined Sectors from Work Pass Application 
  • Prerequisites for Hiring Company to Employ Foreign Workers

Given the large number of nearby and unfamiliar possessed organizations here, there are plenty of business openings which are restricted to local people, yet additionally for gifted and able outsiders too. These open positions are common in major metropolitan territories as there is expanded interest for exceptionally talented people to top off the different situation in numerous enterprises. 

Deciding to work without a substantial work pass is illegal and the recruiting organization who expects to utilize unfamiliar laborers is completely mindful to guarantee that the entirety of their representatives hold a legitimate work pass. 

There are various sorts of work passes given by the Immigration Department of Malaysia and each pass has its own arrangement of necessities. Comprehensively, there are 3 primary work passes that are accessible here which incorporate the Employment Pass, Professional Visit Pass and Residence Pass-Talent.

Restricted Sectors from Work Pass Application

With Malaysia's tough standards on migration, outsiders are confined from working in specific areas in the country as these areas are carefully saved for local people as it were. The limited areas are as following:

  • Non-elite cafés 
  • Material industry 
  • Little business sectors and grocery stores (under 3,000sq) 
  • Bistros 
  • Adornments stores 
  • Comfort shops 
  • Clinical corridor (conventional and elective medication) 
  • Asphalt stores 
  • Wet market slows down 
  • Public key interest 
  • Fuel stations (both with and without corner shop)

Requirements for Hiring Company to Employ Foreign Workers

It isn't just the unfamiliar laborers who ought to follow the Malaysian laws to acquire the work passes, yet Malaysian organizations are additionally expected to oblige. At the point when an organization starts to enter the Malaysian market, the organization is exclusively mindful to get the work passes for their representatives. 

As a business, it is feasible for you to utilize unfamiliar specialists however there are a few prerequisites that should be met. Organizations should observe the limitations on recruiting unfamiliar representatives, for example, restricting employment to development, producing, farming, ranch and administrations areas. 

Aside from that, work of unfamiliar laborers is additionally exposed to portion necessities from the Ministry of Home Affairs (MOHA).

Application for Foreign Quota Approval

For the most part, organizations working in development, horticulture, manor, assembling and administrations enterprises might be endorsed to employ unfamiliar laborers. When the application is presented, a meeting will occur with the manager and approved delegate from the Ministry of the organization's specific area. When the application is fruitful, a contingent letter of endorsement is given to the business to permit the employing of unfamiliar specialists.

Obtaining approval of Expatriate Status

Not all outsiders might be able to work in Malaysia, and businesses ought to know that solitary certain positions are accessible for them, which are normally exceptionally gifted administratively. The positions include:

1.  For key posts: Top administrative post for unfamiliar organizations working in Malaysia 

2. For leader posts: Professional or mid-administrative positions 

3. For non-chief posts: Highly-gifted, specialized places that require significant encounters.

After these exiles meet the requirements, bosses are to present all important reports to the Immigration Department.

Application of Employment Pass

When the quantity endorsement and exile checks are done, the business may begin presenting the work pass application to fill in the critical situations in their organization. Alongside the application, the business should likewise present a letter that legitimizes why the position may just be held by an outsider and not a neighborhood, essentials, encounters and capabilities for that position to the Malaysia Immigration Department through their online entry. In particular, the position will need to know the potential advantages that the unfamiliar representative will bring to the organization and to the country. You may want to know how to register an sdn bhd company in Malaysia as a foreigner.

Whenever this is endorsed, the letter of endorsement for the business pass will be given.

Article Reviewed By

Md Forhad Hossain

(BA-Hons, MBA, LL.B, LL.M)

Meet Md. Forhad Hossain – is an expert in company registration with over 14 years of experience. He has helped more than 400 businesses in Malaysia and over 7,000 clients from around the world start their journey successfully.

Forhad is passionate about making business registration simple and stress-free. His knowledge and dedication have earned him the trust of entrepreneurs worldwide.

If you’re looking for someone to guide you, Md. Forhad Hossain is the name you can Rely on.



Business consultant since 2016