Forhad Hossain

Md Forhad Hossain
(BA-Hons, MBA, LL.B, LL.M)
Managing Director

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Forhad Hossain

Customer Service
International Desk


ESD in Malaysia facilitates expatriate employment. It serves as a one-stop centre for foreign companies to apply for various types of passes and visas required to bring in foreign talent to work in Malaysia. Whereas professional Visit passes also fall under the ESD framework.

However, the complex web of immigration laws and regulations can be daunting for foreign professionals. Making mistakes or oversights in the visa application process can lead to legal problems or delays. So the visa consulting firm enters the picture. 

The services SFM Consulting offer

  • Assist on entire ESD and Professional visa application process
  • Manage local laws and regulations to ensure your business and employees meet all
  • Offer assistance on each and every piece of documentation
  • Track the progress and revolve around the issues if immigration is found.

Why Choose SFM Consulting for ESD & Professional Visa?

  • 12 years of expertise in immigration and expatriate services
  • Save time and energy for other core business activities
  • Risk mitigation ability on legal problems or delays
  • In-depth knowledge of local insights

SFM Consulting can provide one-stop solutions for everything from obtaining a professional visa to reducing risks by ensuring compliance and accuracy. As a result, your visa application will go more smoothly and efficiently.

Article Reviewed By

Md Forhad Hossain

(BA-Hons, MBA, LL.B, LL.M)

Meet Md. Forhad Hossain – is an expert in company registration with over 14 years of experience. He has helped more than 400 businesses in Malaysia and over 7,000 clients from around the world start their journey successfully.

Forhad is passionate about making business registration simple and stress-free. His knowledge and dedication have earned him the trust of entrepreneurs worldwide.

If you’re looking for someone to guide you, Md. Forhad Hossain is the name you can Rely on.



Business consultant since 2016